August 1, 2024
This excerpt from Ian Allison’s piece for CoinDesk breaks the news of Evertas’ new partnership with Nayms that allows crypto insurance to be paid for on the blockchain.
March 2, 2023
Evertas President and co-Founder Raymond Zenkich discusses how Evertas came to be, how we approach crypto insurance and why we're different.
February 17, 2023
Evertas leadership joined crypto exchange builder Chad Garrett for a fascinating Twitter Spaces panel dedicated to looking at some of the most interesting hacks of blockchain projects and how they …
October 4, 2022
Raymond’s chat was densely packed with great insights into the need for greatly expanded crypto insurance capacity
March 18, 2020
Two experts on infectious disease cautioned that such measures, when partial or voluntary, are not by themselves adequate to stem spread of the disease.