Internal SDLC Assessment and Code Audit Prep

Improve the efficiency and security of your code and get more value from testing and code audits through a review of dev team procedures and processes

Evertas professionals conduct a thorough review of your SDLC documentation, procedures, and audit strategies. We show you custom ways your teams can reduce toil and increase efficiency of activities such as testing that are traditionally painful and slow.

This produces to very different desitable effects: First, the fidelity and relevance of all test results are vastly improved. Second, by virtue of better integration of testing into your organization’s SDLC culture, your engineers become more intimate with their code and the system it supports. This leads to better understanding of the implications of test, pen-test, and audit results, allowing your team to engineer creative and efficient solutions to problems highlighted in the process.


  • Structured discussions with engineering leadership and engineers.
  • Reviews of procedures, sprint goals and accomplishments, testing regimens, and historical fix-reviews.
  • Written report containing analysis of current state, specific recommendations, and a proposed timeline for improvement.
  • Executive-level presentation.
  • Optional ongoing consultation and advisory services.